Harmony Central and Carvin
Check out Harmony Central if you're ever looking for plentiful information about anything related to guitars. It has user reviews of gear, tablature, a well-populated message board, and pretty much anything else you'd want to know about guitars in general.
Another amp has captured my interest, along with the afforementioned Peavey and Fender. My dad was telling me about this Carvin amp he heard about, and it actually looks very nice, especially for the price. They're made in California, and Carvin completely skips the middle-man; they ship directly from their warehouse to the buyer...no Sam Ash or Guitar Center in between pushing up the price. Can't complain about that, right?
While I was browsing the Carvin site, I came across this beautiful archtop guitar. Doesn't it look great? I read good reviews about it on Harmony Central, and it sure looks like a top-quality axe. And I don't understand how they could charge under two grand for it...I'm starting to warm up to this Carvin company...
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