CNN article on B.B. King
CNN recently posted a nice article about B.B. King and how generally cool the guy is. Apparently he's setting up a little museum in his hometown in Mississippi. Nice. Here's a link to the article if you want to read it:
One section of the article that particularly struck me was how B.B. King was dissapointed by the lack of blues music on the radio in America. I'm annoyed by it, too. I really wish that you could turn on a "classic rock" radio station and hear something by Savoy Brown, Stevie Ray Vaughan, or even...B.B. King! Maybe I should give this satellite radio thing a shot.
Oh, and Live 8 is coming up this weekend. I'll post my thoughts after I see it (although I'm not interested in most of the bands playing in the various shows, the reunion of David Gilmour and Roger Waters sounds pretty intriguing.)